Gas Abstraction

Gas abstraction simplifies how transaction fees are paid, removing the need to manage native token balances across different blockchains. Instead of requiring users to hold specific tokens like ETH, POL, BNB, ... on each chain, BalloonDogs allows gas payments using multiple tokens, even across different chains, making DeFi more user-friendly and accessible.

How BalloonDogs’ Gas Abstraction Works

With BalloonDogs, users can pay for transactions with various tokens, not just the native token of a blockchain. Additionally, transactions can be executed on one chain while gas is paid on another. This eliminates the complexity of managing tokens across chains, streamlining DeFi interactions.

Key Features

  • Multiple Tokens for Gas: Pay gas fees with tokens like USDC, DAI, or others, without needing native tokens for each chain.

  • Cross-Chain Execution: Execute on one blockchain while paying gas on another, simplifying multi-chain operations.

  • Gas Sponsorship: Third-party sponsors can cover gas fees, enabling transactions without direct user cost.

Why Gas Abstraction Matters

  • Convenience: BalloonDogs removes the need to manage native tokens for each blockchain. Users can pay gas fees with any supported token, making transactions smoother. Developers can integrate these gas options seamlessly into their dApps, enhancing the user experience.

  • Efficiency: BalloonDogs allows users to pay gas fees in a flexible manner, reducing the need for manual token management and unnecessary frequent swaping and bridging. For developers, advanced gas handling—like gas sponsorship—simplifies dApp development and encourages higher adoption with less friction.

  • Flexibility: Both users and developers can benefit from the ability to execute cross-chain operations with flexible gas payment options, making DeFi interactions seamless and easy to manage.

With BalloonDogs, gas abstraction removes UX friction, making DeFi more accessible and flexible for both users and developers.

Last updated