♻️The Intent Lifecycle

A walkthrough of how intents work on BalloonDogs

The Structure of an Intent

A State

State refers to a collection of fields used to describe the position of a user's assets on-chain. These fields include chain id, contract address, balance, etc.

An Intent

An intent is a combination of two states, the "from" state and the "to" state. As long as the state combination has a 1:1 representation on the blockchain, BalloonDogs can support it.

Other fields

There are some fields such as expiration for certain specific order types or asset flows that do not necessarily relate to any of the two states. These are included in the intent as well.

Executing Intents

Step 1: User Creates an Intent

Through either the BalloonDogs application or an integrated dApp, users may compose, sign and share an intent to the BalloonDogs network.

Step 2: the Mempool

From here, the intent enters the gossip mempool, which is responsible for aggregating intents so that they may be solved in batches, preserving operational efficiency.

Step 3: Solving the Intents Bundles

The intents enter into a PoS process where a committee must define and agree on the the solution. The BalloonDogs network coordinate between solvers, aggregators, DeFi liquidity sources, MMs, and DeFi protocols to to generate an optimal solution. This ensures a broader exposure to use cases and greater optimization.

Step 4: On-Chain Validation

Leveraging Account Abstraction power, BalloonDogs is able to validate the on-chain asset allocation and path for intent fulfilment. This ensures trust minimisation to zero, guaranteeing optimised execution for users.

Last updated